updated: 2020-05-01 23:21:15

1 O. R. *™* ꧁꧂: What is your funding plan for the future

Along with the development of Seele mainnet in the past two years, we have seen the both sides of Seele's ICO. The good thing was at least the foundation paid the development team a small potion of the fund they raised from the ICO. From our past experience, we would like our future project to be supported by its community on a voluntary base so that our team will only be held accountable by the community and ourselves. We hope to make a major contribution in the future to cryptocurrency and blockchain.

2 O. R. *™* ꧁꧂: Do you have good contacts to Huobi? As in case of there coming into existence TWO coins the large exchange wields huge power.

No, we do not.

3 Yazid: Hello team, my seele's token was stored in my ledger, after few months of absence from my part, today I can't find my tokens anymore ! Have I missed something ?

We are sure that your token is secure if you still have your password.

4 Markus [KARMA-Node]: SeeleN wrote that they have the majority of shares and suspend the SeeleTech operation. Does Seele have the legal rights to continue as Seele?

They cannot stop SeeleTech's operation if there is fund for paying its employees. The real situation is SeeleTech has a liability and no hard assets except for a few office desks and laptops. Of course the major shareholders do not want to be reponssible for the liability. Besides, our team hold 25% shares and SeeleTech is in the US.

5 Mikkel Raaholt: Did the original seele team have reservations on mainnet tokens? Are the people behind seele foundation the same people listed on seelen.pro?

The seele development team have no reservations on the mainnet tokens. We leave the second question to the community to figure it out.

6 QQ: what is the plan and strategy for token swap?

The seele development team own zero ERC 20 token. We do not have the answer.

7 Cryptid Collective: How did Roc Wong join Seele, and what has the relationship been like?

Roc Wong didn't join SeeleTech. He is a contact person between SeeleTech and PolyChain Capital,which invested in SeeleTech.

8 tunetworker L: can dev team give an introduction to what has happened, what is the status(control of TG, tweeter, etc), what is dev team's next plan, token swap plan, what hapened to granulation?

We will talk our next plan before long. The development team need a break and think over all possible options. To swap and granulation, our team have no answer.

9 Cryptid Collective: Why was the token swap delayed for so long?

The development team fulfilled our obligation -- delivered the main net (which has been running for over a year till this point) and released subnet beta version. We do not own any ERC 20, and do not know who is in charge of the swap.

10 Cryptid Collective: What achievements in Seele are you most proud of?

We are gratiful to our Seele community. The mainnet has been running over a year and nobody can stop it even major share holders tried to stop SeeleTech. We are also very proud of our hard work, our MPoW consensus algorithm, the Seele sharding technolgy, the Seele subnet, etc.

11 Cryptid Collective: Ideally what do you see as the future of the project

The Seele main net will be running with the support from the community. We believe no one can stop the main net.

12 Cryptid Collective: Is there any hope to come to an agreement with the foundation

The relationship between the development team and the foundation ceased long time ago. Our financial support in the past year is from PolyChain Capital. The annoucemnents from Polychain Capital and the Seele foundation in website Seelen.pro stated the situation very clearly and loud. But any thing is possible as long as it is good to the community and Seele mainnet.

13 Cryptid Collective: How do you view erc 20 tokens and how do you view mainnet tokens

Without the swap -- erc20 tokens are erc20 tokens, mainnet tokens are mainnet tokens.They live in different worlds.

14 Cryptid Collective: What's your vision for the future of Seele

The mainnet has been running over a year, it will live for a long time with minners and community's support.

15 Cryptid Collective: When would you envisage industry starting to use Seele

The seele subnet techonlogy is still in its earlier stage, its beta version was released on March 31st,2020. With this technology and the mainnet, industry using Seele's technology is only a matter of time. That is our vision.

Last updated